Case: Covidpass and battle for Basic Human Rights

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Dr. Stuckelberger’s PCR test statement to the district court of Helsinki English/Suomeksi
Dr. Aseem Malhotra’s statement to the district court of Helsinki English/Suomeksi/Swedish
– German translation as PDF
MD, Chief Physician, Hanna Nohynek statement to the district court of Helsinki English/Suomeksi/Swedish
Statement regarding finland’s state demand for legal costs English/Suomeksi
Dr. Aseem Malhotra’s testimony in the district court of Helsinki. (tulkkaus suomeksi)

Kaikki Helsingin käräjäoikeuden äänitallenteet 10.-11.4.2024. Kantaja Mika Vauhkala
– 10.4.2024: Mika Vauhkala, Mika Jantunen, Rodrigo Campos, Veera Hytönen
– 11.4.2024: Matti Muukkonen, Asko Järvinen, Janne Salminen, Tiina Tuominen, Hanna Nohynek
Hanna Nohynek testimony as text (pdf) in the district court of Helsinki English/Suomeksi/Swedish
Aki Nummelin puhe ke 10.4.2024 Helsingin käräjäoikeudessa.
Aki Nummelin loppupuheenvuoro oikeudessa pe 12.4.2024

Videos cut from full video:
Starting speech by Malue Montclairre
Discussion panel by Mika Vauhkala, Aki Nummelin and Tuukka Lampela
Presentation by Dr. Aseem Malhotra
Vaccine injury discussion panel

Dr. Aseem Malhotra and Russell Brand: Landmark lawsuit for human rights violations during pandemic
Dr. Aseem Malhotra’s Explosive Court Testimony on COVID “Vaccines”
Ivan Puopolo: Koronakäräjät | Valtion oikeuteen haastaneen Mika Vauhkalan kommentit oikeudenkäynnin jälkeen
Intelligencer: Finland and food industry giant sued for human rights violations over covid passes
Brownstone institute: WHO Official Admits the Truth About Passports

Vastapuolen oikeudenkäyntikulut.

Kirjeet oikeudelle.
Letter’s to the court (in Finnish)

Mediamaailma videohaastattelu: Mika Vauhkala haastoi valtion oikeuteen syrjinnästä – Kuka on Mika Vauhkala?

Käräjäoikeuden tuomio / Swedish (DeepL translation).

Jatkokäsittelylupahakemus ja valitus Helsingin hovioikeudelle Suomeksi
Letter to the Court of Appeal in Helsinki English (DeepL translation)
Ansökan om tillstönd för vidare bearbetning Swedish (DeepL translation)

Käräjäoikeuden selvitys oikeuskanslerille
Oikeuskanslerin kirjelmä käräjäoikeudelle

Matti Muukkosen artikkeli koronapassista

Helsingin hovioikeuden päätös
Helsinki court of appeal decision (DeepL translations)
Helsingfors hovrätt beslut (DeepL translations)

Valituslupahakemus ja valitus Korkeimmalle oikeudelle
Aiempi päätös
Application for leave to appeal EN/SV/FR/DE (DeepL translations)
Former decisions appealed against EN/SV/FR/DE (DeepL translations)

Testimony of infectious disease doctor Asko Järvinen (Suomeksi / Swedish) (DeepL translations)

In 2021 and 2022 Covidpass was implemented around the world – also in Finland. 

The gov officials launched the app to tackle the crisis and made laws that gave companies a possibility to stay open for business 100% by demanding Covidpass from customers. 

In Dec 2021, Mika Vauhkala, b. 1980, was going to have breakfast with his friend in Fazer Cafe Kluuvikatu which is located in central Helsinki. 

After entering the space – Mika was requested by the employee of Fazer to show Covidpass in order for him to move on and enjoy breakfast at the table. 

It was a normal life event, nothing extravagant or special. At the time, Mika was 100% in good health with no need to go see a doctor and did not  either had any medication whatsoever. Access to the Cafe was denied. 

In general – you could have had Covidpass uploaded to your phone and have it “green” if you had taken Covid jabs, had a positive PCR result sometime earlier or if you had a 24-72 h negative Covid test to show. 

Right to free movement and the right to privacy of health information was violated. The constitution of Finland guarantees that any citizen should not be discriminated against based on health conditions among other things. Now the Fazer employee assumed Mika to be a threat and danger to people around him –  Mika himself neither anyone had any proof that he should be a man to avoid being in contact with.

It’s a known fact PCR tests do not tell whether you are sick or not and it was widely known before Dec 2021 that Covid vaccines did not prevent the transmission or protect you from getting Covid. 

Mika Vauhkala has sued the Finnish government and Fazer for the violation of basic human rights by demanding Covidpass. The first Preparatory session was held 6th of June 2023 and another Preparatory Session will be 19th of October 2023 in the District Court of Helsinki.

This is a unique case from Europe where a citizen sues the highest body of gov and a billion Eur revenue company for discrimination. 

As Mika says, he is looking for justification for what happened and to set up an example for the future. 

The EU and WHO have launched recent plans to implement Covidpass aka Vaccinepass globally. 

Now is the time to stand up and defend our basic human rights – otherwise medical tyranny may be even harder in the future. 

In his free time Mika loves to play padel, lift weights, follow sports and travel around the world. He is a small business owner and for the past 10 years has been working in insurance business for Finnish clients representing major insurance companies as an agent. For now Mika is focused on insuring entrepreneurs on health related risks. 

This is the only case in the world – to our knowledge – where a highest gov body and a major corporation are sued for discrimination by implementing and demanding Covidpass.

It’s a noble and honorable cause to defend our common basic rights in times like this.

Follow the story here on and share information.


X @MikaVauhkala

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Producer’s view

Saku Perintö, b. 1984,  is an experienced documentary maker and in his own words “tries to make the world a better place – one video at a time”. 

He was convinced about making a documentary about Mika’s battle because he believes that if we continue on the path of undermining basic human rights this may lead to our society getting divided even more in the future. Covid time seemed like a “trailer” of what modern day slavery could look like. 

The battle for basic rights deserves a well documented movie to be a proof for our time and those coming after us.

Case: Covidpass trailer

Ivan Puopolo ja lakimies Aki Nummelin 30.5.2023

“Väärinajattelija” podcast, Antti Launonen ja Mika Vauhkala

Mika Vauhkala interviewed by the New Federal State of China at AmFest 2023

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Here we will publish information about the Witnesses we have called before the district court. In total, eight (8) persons have been called as Witnesses including Mika Vauhkala, plus an Expert Witness.

Sanna Marin, served as the Prime Minister of Finland during the Corona period until 2023

Theme: on which the Government has based its view of the Covid Passport legislation and how the government has followed up on the need for the necessity of regulating in relation to the realization of fundamental rights

Matti Muukkonen, Doctor of Administrative Sciences

Theme: fundamental rights of the unvaccinated were not safeguarded. Muukkonen has published a peer reviewed article (In Finnish only) “Covid Passport, Constitution and Criticism of the Equality Approach”

Satu Koskela, Head of Department, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health

Theme: The guidance directed by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health to the regioinal state administrative agencies has been based on what kind of medical research or legal assessment?

How does Koskela justify the operations of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health in the light of the following statement brought to the court by me?

“On the basis of the evidence we have presented, it can be indisputably stated that since already in the autumn of 2021 there has been widespread knowledge of scientific research data and information based on experience that the Covid Passport did not prevent the spread of Covid-19 either at all or at least not to a significant extent, the Government has neglected the emphasized duty set by the Constitutional Law Committee to monitor the necessity of the validity of regulations related to Corona restrictions. This has contributed to the fact that the plaintiff has been discriminated against in the case that is the subject of the lawsuit without an acceptable reason.” (Translated from the original post in Finnish)

Dr. Asko Järvinen, Helsinki University Hospital’s infection specialist

Theme: what the international medical community knew about the importance of vaccines in the fight against the Covid-19 disease before December 2021

On 15.3.2023 in the @puheenaihefi podcast Dr. Järvinen stated the following:

“Covidpass was probably born out of the hope that those who were vaccinated would become less infected, but when it came into force it was known that the wish did not come true.”

Hanna Nohynek, Chairman of SAGE Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization to WHO,
MD, PhD, Chief Physician of Finnish Institute for health and welfare

Theme: what the international medical community knew about the importance of vaccines in the fight against the Covid-19 disease before Dec 2021

Nohynek, like Witness Dr. Asko Järvinen, has publicly stated that already in the autumn of 2021 the medical community knew that vaccinated people can get Covid and spread it like unvaccinated people.

Miika Kostilainen, CEO of Fazer Restaurants

Theme: grounds of the treatment of the plaintiff and Fazer Group’s commitment to human rights

Fazer states on their website:

“Fazer respects the dignity, privacy and fundamental rights of individuals. Fazer will not tolerate any form of discrimination, intimidation, verbal, psychological, physical or sexual harassment or abuse, or any form of workplace misconduct, such as humiliation or physical punishment. (UNGC6).”

Fazer – among other violations of law – broke its own ethics and standards when Mika’s access to enjoy breakfast in the Cafe was denied 10/12/2021 at 9 am.

Mika Jantunen, who was going to have breakfast with Mika Vauhkala in Fazer Cafe Kluuvikatu in Dec 2021

Theme: the plaintiff’s treatment at the Fazer coffee shop on the 10th December 2021, information provided by the Fazer coffee shop staff and the documents on display, events after leaving the coffee shop

Expert Witness Dr. Aseem Malhotra, who has worked as a visiting professor and been a trustee of The Kings Fund Medical Think Tank

Dr. Malhotra is the author of several books and a well known public health advocate appearing in mainstream news and events around the world. He is a NHS trained Consultant Cardiologist with his own clinic in London, UK 

Theme: what the international medical community knew about the efficacy of Covid vaccines in the fight against Covid-19 before Dec 2021

Listen to Malhotra’s conversation with Joe Rogan on Spotify:

About The website

The website´s commercial rights and the coming Case: Covidpass documentary film is operated and owned by 


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The court case is Mika Vauhkala as a private person vs. the Finnish government and Fazer.

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